Our instructors are ex car dealers who have a proven record of breaking automotive dealership records with a combined 53 years in the industry.
Click here to see one of our recognition letters.
ACA instructors possess the professional and industry qualifications to provide the highest quality of training and skills development for global finance professionals. As training professionals, we take learning and development seriously, and we possess the demonstrated teaching experience on top of our professional qualifications. Regardless of professional or teaching background, our instructors are required to complete their own learning journey and development lifecycle, in both finance and teaching methodologies. The result is true practitioners of finance and skills development who make a real impact in the classroom.
Our Institute is approved by the california DMV to train new car dealers and continuing education.
Our module covers all FTCA, DMV and fair credit lending practices, red flag rules, practice professional, ethical, and legal behavior, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives and resolving contradictions when possible, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and organizational norms.
All our students get a full year of help placing deals, software, or general questions.
On successful completion of the program we assist all our students in getting a job.